El Niño Beach

In Playa el Niño you can live the experience of living with local people and know how they usually spend a day at the beach.

Located by Lopez Portillo Avenue 2-85, Punta Sam Highway, Puerto Juárez.

El Niño is a rather large beach whose proximity to Puerto Juarez allows for views of a multitude of seacraft; from small sporting vessels to luxury yachts.

Blue Crabs
Parking Lot
Lifeguard Tower

Between the months of September and October, on full moons, plenty blue crabs visit to lay their eggs.

Waves are low and mellow, perfect for kids and family to go in and swim without worry. The beach has free parking, inclusive restrooms for persons with disabilities, waste and recycling containers, showers, wooden access ramps, palapas, and lunch tables.

You can also find information boards with general safety guidance and environmental protection rules, alongside descriptions of the local flora and fauna. There is also an on-duty lifeguard, security personnel, local guides, and touristic police every day.